Jessica Rinker
Because a woman president means change is possible
Because she’s a woman. That’s why I’m voting for Kamala Harris. It sounds simplistic. Or maybe too general. Sexist. Discriminatory. Decisions can’t be based on sex at birth. One can’t vote for a woman simply because they are a woman!
But historically, remember how often women have been told you can’t—play baseball, be a firefighter, open a checking account, choose a partner, make decisions for your body, have a credit card, be in the military, practice law, get a passport, lead a congregation, run the Boston Marathon, refuse sex with your husband—because you’re a woman.
It’s the last one that got me when I learned it wasn’t until 1993 that marital rape was finally illegal in all fifty states. And despite all the “yes you can” that women have now, we still live in a country where three women a day die at the hands of their male partner. Ms. Harris will fight for women’s safety. She’s already proved it’s part of her agenda. I believe she will continue to make America a safer place for women by fighting to end violent crimes against women. She is a strong proponent of the Violence Against Women Act, and, as a prosecutor, she prioritized domestic violence cases, lobbied for red flag laws, prohibited stalkers from possessing firearms, and introduced legislation that expands legal representation for victims of domestic violence. A woman president means change is possible. A woman president means representation for a large demographic that has made incredible strides in the last several decades, and yet are still beaten by their partners every day or die. I believe Kamala Harris will do whatever she can to end this.
You know what else women were told they couldn’t do? Vote.
So, I’m voting for Kamala Harris because she is a woman.
Jess Rinker works in the publishing and tourism industries.