This is especially important for those readers who are new voters, and who might not remember what happened after the 2020 election.

Before the election, Trump repeatedly said that he would only respect the results of the election if he won. For sports fans out there, this is akin to saying, before the game begins, that you will only respect the score if you are determined the winner.

In Trump’s case, he was violating 250 years of American democracy, the foundation of which is trust in our electoral process and the grace to admit defeat. In essence, before the election, Trump indicated that he would not leave office whether he won or not.

After the 2020 election results were finalized and determined that Joe Biden had defeated Donald Trump, Trump insisted that Vice President Mike Pence refuse to certify the results. The Vice President doesn’t have the sole power to stop the certification process, but Trump had been advised by his lawyers that this gambit might effectively stop the transfer of power.

Pence instead refused to do Trump’s bidding, and thus many of Trump’s supporters, when they stormed the Capitol on January 6th, were looking to find Mike Pence and to kill him. A gallows and noose were brought to the Capitol and “Hang Mike Pence” was chanted in the halls of the Capitol Building. Pence had to flee through an underground passageway to save his life.
The mob that overtook the Capitol on January 6 was whipped into a frenzy by Donald Trump, who spoke to them in Washington that morning, and told them to march on the Capitol and “fight like hell.”

Since that day, Vice President Pence has held Trump responsible for the attempted coup and the attempt on his life, and has refused to endorse Trump in his 2024 run for office.

“On that day, President Trump asked me to put him over the Constitution,” Pence has said, “but I chose the Constitution. And I always will. Anyone who puts themselves over the Constitution
should never be President of the United States. And anyone who asks someone else to put themselves over the Constitution should never be President of the United States again.”

Trump now faces four federal felony charges for trying to overturn the 2020 election. A federal grand jury delivered an indictment alleging that Trump knowingly lied about the 2020 election and made claims that “were unsupported, objectively unreasonable, and ever-changing.”