Jon Scieszka

Because Kamala doesn’t mistake belief for truth

I support Kamala Harris because she values scientific evidence, not self-serving conspiracy theories and lame-ass lies.

Kamala Harris understands that the climate crisis is an emergency, not a hoax.

Kamala Harris promotes expanding health care, education, and reproductive rights based on evidence, not voter polling.

Kamala Harris has built real plans, not just empty promises based on nothing but belief.

It all reminds me of one of the “Fresh Fables for Tough Times” I’ve been working on lately:


Every day, Sheep watched the majestic Eagle flying beautiful circles in the sky.

“Oh, I wish I could fly like Eagle,” said Sheep.

“You can, if you believe me,” said Snake. “And I say you can fly.”

“Really?” asked Sheep.

“Really,” answered Snake.

So every day for a week, Sheep practiced believing.

“I believe I can fly, I believe I can fly, I believe I can fly,” Sheep repeated. 

Until finally, on Friday, Sheep believed he could fly.

On Saturday, Sheep climbed to the top of the mountain, spread his sheep hooves, and jumped.

Sheep did not fly.

Sheep dropped like the 327-pound object he was.

He landed with the force of Newton’s second law of motion, where 

Force = mass x acceleration 

And an exactly Sheep-sized THUD.


Don’t mistake belief for truth.

Don’t believe everything you hear from a snake.

And if you care about science and truth, vote for Kamala Harris.

Jon Scieszka is the first National Ambassador of Young People’s Literature.